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Semana de 04/08 a 10/08

Hello, My Friend! Vamos preparar as nossas atividades de inglês!

Teremos 07 atividades:

  1. Copiar o primeiro texto;
  2. Assistir ao primeiro vídeo e praticar as sentenças;
  3. Fazer o nosso Quiz referente ao primeiro vídeo;
  4. Copiar o segundo texto;
  5. Assistir ao segundo vídeo e praticar as sentenças;
  6. Copiar o terceiro texto;
  7. Assistir ao terceiro vídeo e praticar as sentenças.

Bons estudos!

Texto #01

Hello! My first name is Jenny. My last name is Stuart. I am from the United States. I am 30 years old. I am an engineer.

Vídeo #01

Quiz #01

Welcome to our Quiz!

Title: Personal Information #02

Questions: 05

Time limit: 05 minutes

Texto #02

This is my colleague. Her first name is Jenny. Her last name is Stuart. She is from the United States. She is 30 years old. She is an engineer.

Texto #03

Hello! My first name is Anna. My last name is Smith. I am from the United States. I am 30 years old. I am an assistant. My office is in the center of town. 

On weekdays, I work, study Spanish, and exercise. On weekends, I usually stay home with my family and watch movies.

Vídeo #03



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