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Semana de 25/08 a 31/08

Hello, My Friend! Vamos preparar as nossas atividades de inglês!

Teremos 03 atividades:

  1. Copiar o texto;
  2. Assistir ao vídeo e praticar as sentenças;
  3. Fazer nosso Quiz referente a uma estrutura gramatical. Dessa vez, teremos exercícios para trabalhar a habilidade da escrita.

Bons estudos!

Texto #01

Her name is Sarah Williams. She is from the United States. She is 25 years old. She is a teacher. Her school is in the center of town.

From Monday to Friday, she gets up at 6:00 in the morning. She has breakfast at six thirty. Then she goes to work at 7:00. She starts work at seven thirty. She has lunch at 12:00. She finishes work at 6:00 and goes home. She gets home at six thirty and then she takes a shower. She has dinner at seven thirty. After that, she watches TV or reads a book. At 10:00 she goes to bed.

Vídeo #01

Quiz #01

Welcome to our Quiz!

Title: Simple Present - Other Verbs - Affirmative (part 01) - Writing

Questions: 10

Time limit: 05 minutes



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