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Semana de 04/08 a 10/08

Hello, My Friend! Vamos preparar as nossas atividades de inglês!

Teremos 08 atividades:

  1. Copiar o primeiro texto;
  2. Assistir ao primeiro vídeo e praticar as sentenças;
  3. Copiar o segundo texto;
  4. Assistir ao segundo vídeo e praticar as sentenças;
  5. Fazer o nosso Quiz referente ao segundo vídeo;
  6. Copiar o terceiro texto;
  7. Assistir ao terceiro vídeo e praticar as sentenças;
  8. Fazer o download da lista de Verbos Irregulares.

Bons estudos!

Texto #01

A: Hello!

B: Hi!

A: How are you?

B: I’m good, thanks.

A: What is your first name?

B: My first name is Mark.

A: What is your last name?

B: My last name is Johnson.

A: How do you spell your last name?

B: J-O-H-N-S-O-N.

A: Where are you from?

B: I am from the UNited States.

A: How old are you?

B: I am 30 years old.

A: What is your job?

B: I am a technician.

A: What is your company?

B: My company is Apple.

A: Where is your head office?

B: My head office is in Cupertino, California.

A: Is your company big?

B: Yes, it is.

A: OK. Thank you for your information!

B: You’re welcome.

A: Goodbye!

B: Bye!

Vídeo #01

Texto #02

Hello! My first name is Anna. My last name is Smith. I am from the United States. I am 30 years old. I am an assistant. My office is in the center of town. 

On weekdays, I work, study Spanish, and exercise. On weekends, I usually stay home with my family and watch movies.

Vídeo #02

Quiz #01

Welcome to our Quiz!

Title: Personal Information #04

Questions: 05

Time limit: 05 minutes

Texto #03

Her name is Sarah Williams. She is from the United States. She is 25 years old. She is a teacher. Her school is in the center of town.

From Monday to Friday, she gets up at the morning. She has breakfast at six thirty. Then she goes to work at 7. She starts work at seven thirty. She has lunch at 12. She finishes work at 6 and goes home. She gets home at six thirty and then she takes a shower. She has dinner at seven thirty. After that, she watches TV or reads a book. At 10 she goes to bed.

Vídeo #03


Click HERE.



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