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Semana de 01/09 a 07/09

Hello, My Friend! Vamos preparar as nossas atividades de inglês!

Teremos 03 atividades:

  1. Copiar o texto;
  2. Assistir ao vídeo e praticar as sentenças;
  3. Fazer nosso Quiz referente a uma estrutura gramatical.

Bons estudos!

Texto #01

A: Hi! Can I ask you some questions about your company?

B: Sure! Go ahead.

A: What is the name of your company?

B: The name of my company is ABC Tech.

A: What does your company do?

B: My company makes software for businesses.

A: How many people work for your company?

B: There are 50 people working for my company.

A: Where is your company located?

B: My company is located in New York City.

A: What is your job at the company?

B: I am a project manager.

A: What do you do as a project manager?

B: I plan and organize projects. I also talk to clients and my team.

A: How long have you worked for this company?

B: I have worked for this company for three years.

A: Do you like working for your company?

B: Yes, I like working for my company. The people are friendly, and the work is interesting.

A: Thank you for answering my questions!

B: You’re welcome!

Vídeo #01

Quiz #01

Welcome to our Quiz!

Title: Simple Present – Other Verbs – Interrogative (part 01)

Questions: 05

Time limit: 05 minutes



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