Template 01 Teste 01 1. My Teacher's School - 100% OR 6 Points 2. My Teacher's School - 100% OR 6 Points 3. My Teacher's School - 100% OR 6 Points Welcome to our test! Title: Teste 01 Questions: 6 Time: 2 minutes What number is it? 5 four one five None What number is it? 10 three ten six None What number is it? 2 two nine one None Fill in the blank. I a student. Fill in the blank. She a teacher. Fill in the blank. You a police officer. None You cannot switch tabs while taking this quiz!You are not allowed to switch tabs violation has been recorded.you cannot minimize full screen mode!You are not allowed to minimize full screen while taking this quiz, violation has been recorded.Access denied! To begin the quiz, please grant this quiz access to your camera.